Was on their documentation page and wanted to check out their Twitter account and saw this. Things like this make the internet more fun.
Monthly subscriptions for physical products makes a lot of sense. Think Nespresso/Coffee, Groceries, etc. I just really liked the in-person experience to this one. Cute little bagel shop in Uptown Waterloo, ON, that offers unlimited coffee and monthly subscriptions. I wonder what scaling this looks like. Imagine 1000 customers paying for 4 sleeves a month. Definitely a good problem to have 🙂

Brilliant campaign to get viewers involved by submitting their funny cat & dog videos. This part was at the end of the real trailer for the film. “Does your cat act like Garfield?”

A little chaotic, but I love the personality to Discord’s CMD+K app search. It’s also really fast and guides you very well.
A sustainability effort that is directly tied to Canva’s “Print Design” offering where you can print your posters and have them delivered to you. Their messaging and landing page for this effort was very direct and made a ton of sense.
Example of a simple, subtle hover effect that feels natural, aligns with the brand, and looks beautiful.

Little jokes like this add a small human touch that I love every time. Every product should have little things like this.

I went onto IBC’s website to see if there was anything about how the event was and was pleasently surprised to see the graphic they made to summarize the event in numbers. Quick turnaround. Clean and on brand.

The small “Don’t worry!” makes a big difference in this copy. Turns it from cold & professional to warm and personal 🙂

At least they tell you up front that you’ll have 4+ interviews 🙃

Beautiful! This saves so much time for sales teams by reducing unnecessary product demos, and it also provides upfront value to prospective buyers. They have one of these for each of their platform's products.

This has since been removed. Not scalable at all, but still funny and do-able for earlier stage companies.

How you SHOULD communicate use cases on your website. It also helps narrow your customer base more towards your ICP’s.

A smooth transition effect when zooming in & out.

A very simple and subtle way to ask for feedback on a specific feature to keep them in-context of their experience with it. It doesn’t have to be super sexy. Just a simple text for anyone who notices and is inclined to.

I just felt like the instructions on this page were very clear and easy to follow. Makes it very hard for users to get confused.

This is such a simple way to show users that there are new features - I really like this. Probably more than big annoying tooltips actually. Of course, it depends on where the new features sit.

As a communication based tool, Superhuman has an advantage for viral loops and user growth. Their referral program is extremely generous and is embedded by default into your emails with a signature that directs readers to claim a free month, and in turn giving the sender a free month as well.

In a world where every product has dozens of close competitors, calling out the specific benefits of yours over others is extremely valuable. You shouldn’t be scared to call out your competitiors likes this.
A task list style onboarding to get you to their activation moments as quickly as possible. I’ve seen this a handful of times with to-do style apps, but this can still be applied accross different products as well. There’s also an immediate CTA to their import tool at the bottom left 👏🏽

Beautifully designed customers page with links to “read more” for customer stories and quotes. If they don’t have a story, it directs you to that customers website. All companies should have a page like this.
Framer quickly realized that users would want to port content from Figma to Framer and created a smart dialogue that prompts the user to download a plugin.

An app tour that bounces you between a Youtube tutorial & the actual product at your own speed. Gets you using the features that are the most important. Very interesting personalization possibilities here!
Ok, this is the last time I post a product’s feedback/bug submission options. Just making a point for my recent blog post 🙂

Another clean in-product bug/feedback submission. This will be the norm for most SaaS products.
Like in Arc, reporting bugs and requesting new features is easlily accessible. Well done Raycast 👏🏽.
In-product trigger that notifies you of available integrations based on usage. It. Just. Makes. Sense.
A nice little tooltip after copying a URL to reinforce Arc’s positioning on secure browsing.

Amazing UI, but even better inbound funnel. Well played Pocus 👏🏽
Quick update emails like this go a long way during busy ordering times or sales! Also, read the blurb all the way at the bottom of the email.
Beautiful and simple callout for altruistic campaign Canva ran during devastating earthquakes in the middle-east. They don’t ask for anything, they’re just telling you they’re doing it.
A good example of creating an experience out of the unboxing of a shipment. Clever messaging with useful resources as well.
I just found the subject line and header clever 🙂 The $3 a day was a good sell too.
I usually find that welcome emails focus so much on the product itself and not enough on you and your pain point. This addressed the mission of AG1, how it addresses your pain points through a story (personal touch), key metrics you care about as a buyer, and a beautiful “send me a note” feedback funnel.
Hover over your own video tile when in a Slack Huddle. A nice little touch 💜
A nice little surprise when you upload a video into a chat. No additional dialogue. With minimal intrusion on UI.
To this day, one of the most useful things that exists on my iPhone. I’ve thought a lot about how something like this could be implemented in other platforms 🤔

Any platform with a search protocol can be added as a shorcut in Chrome. How did I just find out about this now…?
Reporting bugs and giving feedback shouldn't be complicated. Every product should have a feedback & bug submission built into it. Well done Arc 👏🏽

See what’s going on in your top sites by simply hovering over the tile. No more losing your current tab and what you’re working on.
Simple calendar event names pre-populate a cover photo for the event. AI tools will extend this idea to create call agendas & linked resources.
In a world of many distractions, bringing content to the user is extremely important. Recommended in Confluence is a lightweight way for individuals across the org to have visibility into what your product team is working on.